Monday, November 16, 2009

From Albania To Athens

Here is an article I wrote for the Fall/Winter edition of the Peace Corps Albania newsletter:

When I left America, I was unsure if I would be able to continue my running routine. Adapting to life with a host family for 3 months, a different diet, the language barrier, the road conditions, and the stray dogs were enough to divert my focus from exercise. Upon being assigned to Elbasan, I began to formulate my plan - the Athens marathon was just 6 months away, a historic course that I thought most appropriate for me to conquer my first 26-mile feat. What I discovered was that I could not only incorporate running into my life here, I could also learn about culture along the way. Albanians have offered many things to me during these months of training:
  • Support - I have spoken to many Albanian men and women who have seen me out running in the community, and they have told me how it is such a good influence for females here.
  • Hospitality - During my long weekend runs, I stop along the road at different locales for water, where I have met very friendly people who not only offer me water, but encouragement to continue on.
  • Motivation - The mayor of Elbasan connected me with a local trainer here who conducts workouts at the stadium. The workouts consisted of sprints, stretches, and timed long runs. This was exactly the variety I needed in my training.
With this I extend my thanks to all the people here who have waved hello, given a thumbs up, or offered me a cold glass of water on the hottest of days. I will think of those times when I cross the finish line.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing pictures! I wish I was there to see what your seeing! So jelous!
