Through many ups and downs throughout my service here, I have come through the fog with a different perspective on things. Saying that the Peace Corps is the “toughest job you’ll ever love” is certainly an understatement. From the tough side there is sickness, loneliness, the cold, feeling overwhelmed with culture change, the feeling of “what am I doing here”, and thoughts of what comes next after this journey is over. On the flip side, in the past few months I have experienced things that only a short time ago I would have thought impossible. These things are not only momentous occasions/events, like finishing my first marathon. They are things that shape our personalities, build character, and create new beginnings,such as:
- Learning from mistakes
- Knowing who you can really count on
- Understanding that people (including yourself) are who they are for a reason, and accepting that
- Finding good in situations, even when it might take a little bit longer
- Spending the extra time to listen to those who really need to be heard
- Sparing judgment – and opening your mind to learn new things
- Appreciating the effect you might have on one person, for one minute